Page name: Order of Inari [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-11 13:31:52
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 23
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Welcome to the Temple of Inari, the kitsune warrior, hero and legeand. *bows*

(Wiki pages founded and maintained by [Wes Foxx])

This page is the 88th Safe Zone

-Whats the Order of Inari about?-

I've created this group as another fun place to chat, hang around, roleplay if you want to, show off your art, and in general to just do whatever and enjoy yourself.

Im also trying to use this as a way to bring new people into the world of roleplaying. Every member gets a kitsune form as well as one type of spellwork, their Kinetic Class. I reward those who do their best and suceed by awarding them a higher Member Rank, sort of like getting a medal or ribbon, or on elftown especially, a badge. We also have a badge for your kinetic class as well, which can be found in the Order of Inari Gallery page

You don't have to be a kitsune to join. You don't even have to use the kitsune form you get. Its totally up to you what you want to do with it.

Those who wish to cause trouble or pain, this is NOT the wiki for you. Any member found to be harrassing, harming, or otherwise causing trouble in the order or among its members will be exiled from the order.

~Banished Order Members~


~Roragons United
~Anthro RP
~Moonlight (Our sister page, or basically, Order of Inari part two)~
~Zelda Geeks
~Lost Book of the Bible:The Book of Amish
~Light & Dark

Interrested? Feel free to join. You may leave our order at any time, and will not be stripped of your title, rankings, or Power.
~Order of Inari Members page~

For all members who have a character picture, feel free to post it.
~Order of Inari Fursonas page~

The roleplayers and those wishing to gain rank here should proceed here.
~Order of Inari RP page~

I've moved all the classes and divisions to their own page to cut down on the size.
~Order of Inari Classes and Divisions page~
   Not enough detail for you? See the combo labs!
    ~Kinetic Research Labs~
    ~Advanced Kinetic Labs~

Information on our history, the kinetics R&D lab, and a discussion page
~Order of Inari Archives~

Are you an artist? Submit an entry and your drawing could become the picture used for our founder!
~Inari Contest~

If you have a badge, graphic, doodad or other item for the Order, we're happy to post them and display them here!
~Order of Inari Gallery~

Since this page is constantly being updated, and almost no one is watching most of these pages, heres a link to the story series I'm writing.
~History of Inari~

Order News

2/27/05 - The History of Inari story series, The Legeands of Inari, have all been outlined. I'll be writing the story from Act I ASAP.
- The History of Inari has been updated: Four new character profiles and sketches have been added. All sketches for existing story previews have been created.

3/11/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act I first chapter done!

3/18/05 - <poll:47476> LoI character poll!

3/25/05 - [Just Paula] has been awarded a Valorian Sage ranking for services to the Order

April 4, 2005- The Legeands of Inari: Act I has been completed!

4/25/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act II Chapter 1 is finally posted!

4/27/05 - Chapter 2 (1st half) is posted!
-Also- We've finally reached 30 members!

5/1/05 - Chapter 2 finished!

-A freakin' long time passes-

9/11/05 - *Tribute to the people who lost their lives in the September 11th tragedy*

- New sketches containing stuff from future Legends of Inari work have been placed in Foxx Galary VII!

Username (or number or email):


2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *scratches your ears more* ^^

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Purrs in his sleep-

2005-08-08 [Tiger Shark]: *curls up in a corner*

2005-08-08 [Nekko fox]: -Wakes up-

2005-08-09 [Tiger Shark]: zzzzz

2005-08-12 [Nekko fox]: -Poeks her softly-

2005-08-12 [Tiger Shark]: *jumps and looks around, rubbing her eyes* whowhatwherewhenwhyhowwhat??

2005-08-12 [Nekko fox]: -smiles-

2005-08-12 [Tiger Shark]: .......*blinks*

2005-08-12 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes-

2005-08-12 [Tiger Shark]: *scratches her ear*

2005-08-12 [Nekko fox]: -Scratches her ear as well-

2005-08-13 [Tiger Shark]: *wrinkles her nose and runs off to find some food*

2005-08-14 [Nekko fox]: -Giggles-

2005-08-14 [Tiger Shark]: *comes back with an apple*

2005-08-14 [Nekko fox]: -Oooh, and aww's at the apple-

2005-08-14 [Tiger Shark]: *munches on the apple* er?

2005-08-14 [Nekko fox]: -Whimpers-

2005-08-14 [Tiger Shark]: *holds out the apple to Nekko*

2005-08-14 [Nekko fox]: -Takes a small bite, smiling-

2005-08-14 [Tiger Shark]: *smiles and takes another bite from her apple*

2005-08-14 [Nekko fox]: -Sits and watches-

2005-08-14 [Tiger Shark]: *holds it out for Nekko again*

2005-08-14 [Nekko fox]: -Takes another small bite-

2005-08-14 [Tiger Shark]: You want the rest?

2005-08-15 [Nekko fox]: -Shakes his head-

2005-08-15 [~Saraneth~]: hi everyone ^^ May I join?

2005-08-16 [Tiger Shark]: go right ahead ^^ I don't know if [Wes Foxx] would like you to contact him prior, but I would anyways, just in case

2005-08-16 [Nekko fox]: Nyuu!

2005-08-16 [Tiger Shark]: niuu?

2005-08-16 [Nekko fox]: Nyuu!

2005-08-16 [Wes Foxx]: Just join whenever you want ^^ no need to contact me, but feel free to if you have any questions, i dunno when ill be on again to answer them though.

2005-08-16 [Tiger Shark]: *meeps*

2005-08-17 [Nekko fox]: -Glomps him- YOUR BACK!

2005-08-17 [Tiger Shark]: *huggles Wes 'till he turns a strange shade of blue*

2005-08-17 [Wes Foxx]: *merfs as he's being squeezed into a charming shade of cobalt between Nekko and TS* @@ myuu, yes I am, but not for long... erf x.x

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: aww *gives Wes a bucket full of strawberries*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Lets go so Wes ca breathe-

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: *pops a strawberry in her mouth and smiles*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Pounceso n her-

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: *meeps and hides under a rug*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Pounces on her under the rug-

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: *meeps*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Huggles uber much-

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: ^.^ *mews happily and huggled from under the rug*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes-

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: *tickles*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and wiggels off of the rug-

2005-08-18 [Tiger Shark]: *pokes her nose out from under the rug*

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Licks her nose-

2005-08-18 [Wes Foxx]: Someone's been dipping into their own species-specific versions of catnip o.O

2005-08-18 [Nekko fox]: -Sticks out his tongue at Wes- Just because you want some of it and I won't share!

2005-08-19 [Tiger Shark]: *hides behind wes for no particular reason* catnip XP

2005-08-19 [Nekko fox]: -Giggles-

2005-08-19 [Tiger Shark]: *tosses a strawbery at Nekko*

2005-08-19 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and ctachesi t on the fly-

2005-08-19 [Tiger Shark]: *applauds*

2005-08-19 [Wes Foxx]: *munches on his own strawberry. 'tis chocolate covered goodness :3 whoot.*

2005-08-19 [Nekko fox]: -Eats happily-

2005-08-20 [Tiger Shark]: anywh00t

2005-08-21 [Nekko fox]: -Meows at her-

2005-08-21 [Tiger Shark]: *mews*

2005-08-21 [Just Paula]:


2005-08-21 [Wes Foxx]: *blink blinks* @_@ thanks

2005-08-21 [Tiger Shark]: *meeps and hands out cookies*

2005-08-22 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes-

2005-08-22 [Tiger Shark]: *goes to grab something to eat*

2005-08-22 [Nekko fox]: -Pounces on Tiger-

2005-08-22 [Tiger Shark]: *meeps and jumps*

2005-09-11 [Nicolai Antredias]: ummm wow

2005-09-11 [Tiger Shark]: what? *looks around and tilts her head*

2005-10-03 [the Indigo]: Inari is very yummy.

2005-10-03 [Nekko fox]: -Barks- So is Pcky!

2005-10-03 [Nekko fox]: -Barks- So is Pocky!

2005-10-03 [Tiger Shark]: *blinks*

2005-10-08 [Nekko fox]: -SMiles-

2005-10-08 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts her head and scratches her ears* er?

2006-08-31 [Just Paula]: *poofs in and runs around in circles* WHEEEEEEEe

2006-09-03 [Tiger Shark]: er...

2006-09-04 [Wes Foxx]: Yeah... *yawns sleepily and lays back* man its gonna stink having to commute to college this time every day of the week >_< and we don't get today off! Its labor day T_T

2006-09-04 [Tiger Shark]: aww, poor foxxy *pats head*

2006-09-05 [Wes Foxx]: @_@ it was rough. A full day of classes, getting sprung with having to meet up with four people, whose name and phone numbers I never got or was able to give, at 9:00 last night, after searching for my bro's GF Sarah who was dropped off on the campus supposedly, eventually found her at 6, came home at 6:30, worked on a resume, and had to go back at 8:30, searched high and low for the people I would be meeting with, couldn't find them, went home, watched tv for one hour and passed out.

Happy day of labor >_>

2006-09-11 [Tiger Shark]: lol, aww

2007-01-15 [Just Paula]: .>
I miss this wiki *plops on couch*

2007-02-25 [Tiger Shark]: I miss people >.>

2007-02-27 [Nekko fox]: Haven't been ehre in a while! ^_^

2007-02-28 [Wes Foxx]: Seriously D: *pounces them both* Be on mooooore >_>

2007-03-05 [Nekko fox]: *Meeples*

2007-03-12 [Tiger Shark]: nya! *ish pounced on* I'll try to get on more often >.>

2007-03-20 [Nekko fox]: YAY!

2007-03-25 [Tiger Shark]: Yay! >.>

2007-03-26 [Nekko fox]: *Lick*

2007-05-16 [Tiger Shark]: *wrinkles nose*

2007-05-16 [Nekko fox]: *laughs*

2007-05-16 [Tiger Shark]: *blinks* whatchu laughin' at? *growls* you laughin' at me? *pounce*

2007-05-16 [Nekko fox]: *Meeps as he gets pinned* Please don't rape me! I'm a boy!

2007-05-16 [Tiger Shark]: ...

2007-05-16 [Tiger Shark]: .....

2007-05-16 [Tiger Shark]:

2007-05-16 [Nekko fox]: *Opens an eye* Can I get up now?

2007-05-16 [Tiger Shark]: um, yeah, for a while now *sitting on an armchair happily*

2007-05-18 [Nekko fox]: *Sits up happily*

2007-05-23 [Tiger Shark]: ^.^

2007-05-24 [Nekko fox]: *Yawns and stretches* Good times.

2007-05-26 [Tiger Shark]: yup.

2007-06-04 [Nekko fox]: *Glomp!*

2007-06-04 [Tiger Shark]: NEEP! *curls up in a ball and rolls around on the floor to escape the glompingness*

2007-06-05 [Nekko fox]: *ROlls the ball on the floor*

2007-07-15 [Tiger Shark]: *Ish rolled around* *feels slightly like a ball of dough*

2007-07-16 [Nekko fox]: *Pounces on her*

2007-07-23 [Tiger Shark]: *neeps and hides*

2007-07-24 [Nekko fox]: *Looks around*

2007-07-25 [Tiger Shark]: mrr?

2007-07-29 [Nekko fox]: rr! ^_^

2007-07-29 [Tiger Shark]: *roars* !

2007-07-29 [Nekko fox]: *Blinks and paws at her head*

2007-07-29 [Tiger Shark]: *wrinkles her nose*

2007-07-30 [Nekko fox]: *SjmileS*

2007-08-01 [Tiger Shark]: Dude! big news! I now have an Elfwood gallery!! *dancing*!! (My art still had to go through the mods though...but still) *passes out celebration brownies*

2007-08-01 [Nekko fox]: *Eats the brownie curiously*

2007-08-01 [Tiger Shark]: ^.^ *happy dance*
good brownie, eh?

2007-08-01 [Nekko fox]: *Nods*

2007-08-01 [Tiger Shark]: ^.^ nya

2007-08-01 [Nekko fox]: *Looks at the brownie, then at her* Your not a druggie are you?....Cuz I've been tricked like that before........

2007-08-01 [Tiger Shark]:, no, I may be insane, but I'm not that crazy

2007-08-01 [Nekko fox]: Oh, okay1 ^_^ *Goes back to eating brownie*

2007-08-01 [Tiger Shark]: ^.^ *turns on heels and disappears*

2007-08-01 [Nekko fox]: *Blins in surprise*

2007-08-01 [Tiger Shark]: *laughs maniacally*

2007-08-02 [Nekko fox]: *Looks around*

2007-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: *reappears munching on a peach*

2007-08-02 [Nekko fox]: *waveS*

2007-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: *smiles and waves back*

2007-08-04 [Nekko fox]: *cuddles up*

2007-08-05 [Tiger Shark]: aw *pats*

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *churrS*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *murrs*

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *smiles*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *grinning* cha

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *licks*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *meeps* that was unexpected

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *smileS* Yes I am.

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: aw *pats*

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *tai lwags*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *puts a cherry on y'nose*

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *Pops his head back and snaps it out of the air*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *applaudes* marvelous!

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *giggleS*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *laughs and claps her paws*

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *Dances for her*

2007-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *throws around a ball of string*

2007-08-07 [Nekko fox]: *watches it roll along curiously*

2007-08-08 [Tiger Shark]: *paws at string ball*

2007-08-08 [Nekko fox]: *ChurrS*

2007-08-09 [Tiger Shark]: *realizes she's bored and curls up with a book instead*

2007-08-09 [Nekko fox]: *Watches her reading*

2007-08-10 [Tiger Shark]: *posts a picture*


Antelope o.o

2007-08-11 [Nekko fox]: OOOOOOOOOOOOH! That's good!

2007-08-12 [Tiger Shark]: That's called I'm-bored-on-a-Thursday-night-and-I-don't-have-to-wake-up-early-for-anything-tomorrow...

2007-08-12 [Nekko fox]: YAY!

2007-08-12 [Tiger Shark]: YAY! *happy dance of boredom*

2007-08-12 [Nekko fox]: *GLOMP!*

2007-08-12 [Tiger Shark]: EEK! *ish glomped unexpectedly*

2007-08-13 [Nekko fox]: *Nuzzles uebr much, then hops off and runs around nakeD*

2007-08-15 [Tiger Shark]: O.o *ish scarred for life*

2007-08-15 [Nekko fox]: *smileS*

2007-08-16 [Tiger Shark]: >.< *atempting to bleach her eyes only to find it exessively painful*

2007-08-16 [Tak]: *raises an eyebrow* You shouldn't do that

2007-08-16 [Nekko fox]: Myuu?

2007-08-16 [Pyro Mac]: *pops his head in after google-ing fursona and coming across this place*

2007-08-16 [Nekko fox]: *waves* Chu!

2007-08-16 [Pyro Mac]: *laughs* Gosh!...I keep coming across you today! x3

2007-08-16 [Nekko fox]: I noticed that! Are you stalking me?....Cuz that would be super!

2007-08-16 [Pyro Mac]: Bumble-bee tuna! XD...>.>;

2007-08-17 [Nekko fox]: YOUR OUTTA THERE! Go on. Go on!

I love Ace Ventura, both movies. >.>

2007-08-20 [Tiger Shark]: O.o.....

2007-08-20 [Nekko fox]: What, don;'t you recall the Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls movie?

2007-08-20 [Tiger Shark]: Never had any interest...

2007-08-20 [Nekko fox]: WHAT?! *faints*

2007-08-20 [Pyro Mac]: OhMyGosh!...*dies*

2007-08-21 [Tiger Shark]: *shrugs*

2007-08-21 [Nekko fox]: stands up and knocks her unconcious, just so she will conform to what everyone else is doing, then collapses into a heapo again*

2007-08-21 [Nicolai Antredias]: sorry I havent been on much, but this deployment has me limited on how much I get on.

2007-08-21 [Nekko fox]: *Leans up and waves* HIYA! *Flops back onto the grand*

2007-08-22 [Tiger Shark]: O.o *rubs her head* woah, too much insane violence for me...Hi Lion, don't worry about it, nothing's been happening here anyway

2007-08-22 [Nekko fox]: *Raises a paw, thumbs up, to confirm Tiger's statement*

2007-08-23 [Tiger Shark]: >.>

2007-08-23 [Nekko fox]: *Arms flops back down*

2007-08-23 [Nicolai Antredias]: so what have I missed?

2007-08-23 [Nekko fox]: *sits up* We're all dead, I've spoken out against Christian biaseness and gay-bashing, and the five riders of the apocalypse have stepped out for fish and chips.

2007-08-23 [Nicolai Antredias]: ohhh so not alot then

2007-08-23 [Pyro Mac]: *claps at Nekko's Statement* So true...hehe

2007-08-23 [Nekko fox]: Oh, if you want a giggle or two, go to Youtube and type in 'Stick Figures on Crack', there is 1-4. 1-3 are funniest though

2007-08-23 [Nicolai Antredias]: ok now Im curious

2007-08-23 [Nicolai Antredias]:

this guy is hilarious

2007-08-23 [Nekko fox]: I'm sorry, but that's just hilarious.

2007-08-23 [Nicolai Antredias]: the stick figures are hilarious

2007-08-23 [Nekko fox]: Going to youtube, typing in Slaughter Your World, and watching Richard sing his lovely song1 ^_^

2007-08-28 [Akeatia]: I'm confused what is this exactly?

2007-08-30 [Nekko fox]: The song of Richard

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